Category: Germany


The scariest folk- and fairytales for Halloween

Historical and cultural backdrop Origin of Halloween On 31st of October we are celebrating Halloween or Hallows Eve. Nowadays kids go from house to house, dressed in fancy costumes and to demand “trick or...

The Hostage by Friedrich Schiller (1798) 0

The Hostage by Friedrich Schiller (1798)

The tyrant Dionys to seek,Stern Moerus with his poniard crept;The watchful guard upon him swept;The grim king marked his changeless cheek:“What wouldst thou with thy poinard? Speak!”“The city from the tyrant free!”“The death-cross shall...

Die Bürgschaft by Friedrich Schiller (1798) 1

Die Bürgschaft by Friedrich Schiller (1798)

Zu Dionys, dem Tyrannen, schlichDamon, den Dolch im Gewande:Ihn schlugen die Häscher in Bande,“Was wolltest du mit dem Dolche? sprich!”Entgegnet ihm finster der Wüterich.“Die Stadt vom Tyrannen befreien!”“Das sollst du am Kreuze bereuen.” “Ich...