Category: Features


Folk and Fairy tales to celebrate Europe Day

Europe Day is celebrated on 5 May by the Council of Europe and on 9 May by the European Union. Therefore presents a folk or fairy tale from each member country of the...


Best folk and fairy tales about WATER – Happy World Water Day

The 22 of March is the UN’s world water day. Water is a source of life and an important element of many folk- and fairy tales. Therefore has collected the best stories around water...


Top 3 Fairy Tales for the Chinese New Year

Top Stories for the Chinese New Year The Chinese New Year is based on the Lunar calender and falls between the 21st of January and 21st of February. The Chinese New Year 2022 is...


Best Tales about seeking Immortality and Immortal beings

The idea for this Top list came when I read about a Startup that wants to upload people’s mind to the cloud. A lethal procedure with an uncertain outcome (read more about Nectome on...